Mobily Postpaid 200 Package

Price(Include Tax)
SAR. 200

1 Month


100 GBs

Mobily to Mobily Minutes

Mobily to Other Network Minutes

Status code

Info Code

Subscribe Code
Text 7612 to 1100

Unsubscrib Code
Post-Paid Package auto renew every month.

Package Details

Mobily is providing its customers a best and cheapest Internet Packages all the time.

“Mobily Internet” is providing the best and cheapest Postpaid 100” Internet (for all Post Paid customers) Package for 1 Month . By using this package, you wil get validity for 1 Month “Postpaid 200” Internet Package . By using Mobily “Postpaid 100” Internet Package you will get total SMS: 100, Total Internet: 50 GBs, Total On Net minutes: 2500, Total Off Net minutes: 0 in total price of SAR. 100 (Include tax).

Package Status Codes

Subscribe Code: Text 7612 to 1100
UnSubscribe Code: Post-Paid Package auto renew every month.
Info Code: None
Status Code: None

Terms & Conditions

This package is applicable for all Mobily Post Paid customers.
All prices are Include of taxes.
Subscrib Package Via : Text 7612 to 1100
Unsubscrib Package Via : Post-Paid Package auto renew every month.
Get Package status Via : None
Get Package details Via : None
This package will be aplicable for 1 Month only. When you subscribe the time will start till 1 Month
All other Mobily Terms and conditions will apply

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