Zain prepaid internet packages

Zain prepaid internet packages

Zain is a relatively small network company; it is offering services with 2G/3G/4G networks. Zain is best for its 4G networking and offering extremely competitive data offers. Signal quality is right within the cities and developed areas, but in remote regions, signal strength is pathetic.

You can purchase Zain SIM cards from their official stores and make sure you have to register it with your passport before activation.

Price DataValidityActivation
SAR 991 GB3 DaysActivation : Trip 1
SAR 1993 GB7 DaysActivation : Trip 2
SAR 34910 GB30 Days Activation : Trip 3
SAR 49920 GB30 DaysActivation : Trip 4
SAR 79930 GB90 DaysActivation : Trip 5
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