
Bring discipline into life


If there is no paddle to steer a boat, it is difficult to shore it. To reach the station, the train mustn’t derail. A horse is bridled to prevent it from going in the wrong direction. If a blind person has a stick in his hand, there is no possibility of stumbling.


The above examples have one thing in common, which is called discipline. The paddle maintains the boat in the sea. The track provides control to the train, and the bridle provides control to the horse. In the same way, the paddle, track, bridle, and stick of success are discipline, whether it is related to our behaviour or to collective actions. If actions depend on intention, then success is possible only through the implementation of discipline. The first task that is carried out in schools is to provide practical training in discipline to children in the form of assemblies. From this, we can estimate the value of discipline.


The sun rising on time, the moon, stars and galaxies adhering to their respective axes are a unique example of the discipline created by Allah Almighty. Neither night comes before morning nor morning before night. The entire system of nature adheres to discipline. If these are not adhered to, the system of the world will fall apart. Our lives also require this discipline. If there is no discipline in life, its system will also deteriorate. The discipline of the stomach deteriorates due to irregular food. Not sleeping on time harms health, accidents occur due to chaotic traffic. Encroachments dull the beauty of the city. And the lack of discipline in ideology turns a nation into a mob.

Bring discipline into life


If we observe the developed countries of the world, the behavior of discipline is prominent in their individual and collective behaviors. The law is respected. There, people do not try to break the line and leap forward, they do not spit on the walls with their mouths. Traffic rules are not flouted. They do not have to write on the walls that “writing is prohibited here.” These atrocities may seem low-level to you, but they reflect the social and moral values ​​of any society.


Islam is the greatest advocate of discipline. The call to prayer and prayer on time, Arab and non-Arab, rich and poor are seen standing shoulder to shoulder in the presence of Allah. Apart from physical worship, this is also a practical demonstration of discipline. Unfortunately, Pakistan, whose national motto is “unity, faith and order”, lacks discipline. The essence of the Imran pact was that in exchange for fulfilling obligations, you get rights. We cannot expect a healthy society by throwing garbage on the roads. Destiny cannot be changed by selling votes.


If we judge it in a political context, the thing that keeps the state in the chain of discipline is the constitution. If it is not implemented, then the desire for development may be just a madman’s dream but not a reality. The implementation of the Constitution can truly curb the corrupt elements of the state. Unfortunately, the implementation of the Constitution in Pakistan has always been in a state of stagnation. Which has created a deterioration in the discipline of state affairs and due to this collective negligence, our country has become a hotbed of various problems. When the machinery rusts or needs to be kept running, oil and repairs are done, the entire machine is not replaced. Similarly, if there is any defect or discipline in the Constitution, then the method is also present in the Constitution.


We can take an example of this that if traffic rules or discipline on the road is not observed, then personal and financial accidents occur and if the Constitution is not implemented, then political and national accidents occur. We have had the bitter experience of such accidents in the past in the form of the fall of Dhaka and many authoritarian periods. Since the establishment of Pakistan, national thinking has been in decline. Although there is democracy now, the dust of dictatorship keeps rising from time to time. When the thinking and ideologies of a nation are not bound by discipline, authoritarian elements get a chance to flourish.


Whether the factors are political or social, individual or collective, progress is not possible unless they are made beneficial by discipline. Discipline is one of the factors that distinguish humans from animals. Laws are made for humans, while sticks are used for herds of animals. And this is what makes us unique from animals.

Adeel Amir

Adeel is an Entrepreneur, SEO and SMM Specialist and an Affiliate Marketer. He also loves to blog about gadgets, technology, smartphones etc.

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