
Class struggle and balanced life


The imbalance found in society today is a major cause of moral decline. This imbalance can be removed to a large extent by adopting simplicity. Simplicity is a method that can end class conflict.


A sense of inferiority or a sense of superiority are also the result of not adopting simplicity. People who do not adopt simplicity are trapped in the clutches of appearance and show-off. Such people have a self-showing nature due to which they always suffer from a sense of deprivation and inferiority. To satisfy the passion for appearance and show-off, they destroy the peace and tranquility of the day and night.


Class struggle and balanced life


The modern man wants to do everything in a short time, such a way of thinking is not a healthy move. It is also not wise to waste time in busy life for hours playing games and other frivolous things. Often in society, people consider others as their competitors and keep trying to compete with them for no reason. In this competition, all those methods are used that can humiliate the competitor, no matter how anxious they themselves have to be for this. This way of thinking is not correct in any way.

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If the tendency of competition is on healthy grounds, it can be helpful in the development of the country and the nation. On the contrary, if the competition is only for the display of wealth, it will lead to the destruction of the society and the nation. Show and display are an attempt to assert superiority over others, which instead of harmony in the society, various social evils spread. Those who do not adopt simplicity remain ingratitude. The complaint of lack of comforts is always on their tongue. The desire to raise their standard of living is always stirring in their hearts. Sometimes people do not hesitate to adopt illegal methods to achieve the comforts of life. Due to which many serious crimes come into existence. If a person raises himself a little higher than the normal level of feelings, the lack of physical comforts will not bother him. One can live a contented life even without much physical comforts, and this is simplicity.


People generally strive very hard to achieve a so-called high position for themselves in society.

They go so far in their appearances that they start feeling proud and arrogant, the idea of ​​moderation disappears from their minds. These people are devoid of need, humility and modesty. The feeling of their own superiority and superiority pushes them towards moral degradation. Many such evils can be avoided by adopting simplicity. Along with simplicity, moderation is also very important. On the contrary, those who do not practice moderation invite many troubles themselves, which causes mental anguish.


The present era is an era of extreme slowness and restlessness. In such a situation, the idea of ​​deprivation and inferiority causes mental chaos. If you are a supporter of simplicity, such thoughts cannot disturb you, but you will feel calm by staying away from unnecessary comforts. A house in which there is simplicity will be called a piece of heaven, there will be no chaos in such a house. There will be mercy, no hardship and hardship. Lack of simplicity is the cause of deprivation of goodness and blessings, humiliation and despondency. The upbringing of children of those who are inclined towards excessive showiness and exhibitionism also falls under the grip of this artificiality. In such a case, there will be neither peace nor tranquility nor goodness and blessings in the house.


When today’s youth compares himself with people who are better off financially than him, he becomes a victim of mental confusion and anxiety. Our youth are surrounded by the artificial glare of media and showbiz, and the masterpieces of fake life on social networking sites and apps, in front of which they feel inferior. In his heart, too, the desire to achieve everything begins to take shape, which increases helplessness and anxiety. If this feeling is used in a positive way for one’s success, there is no harm, but this state of anxiety often leads to choosing the wrong paths and destroying the peace of life. For a successful and balanced life, it is necessary to adopt simplicity and demonstrate moderation.

Ayesha Saeed

I am a freelancer and a writer. Over the past 10 years, I have written many articles on diverse topics like COVID, NATURE, INTERNET, SIMS, PACKAGES, 4G, 5G, and POLITICAL ISSUES, etc. Due to this, I have become very efficient in research methodologies.

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