Apple Users Report Serious iCloud Issues That Corrupt Files And Add Strangers’ Photos


Apple Users Report Serious iCloud Issues That Corrupt Files And Add Strangers’ Photos


An odd problem is currently plaguing Windows PC users who utilize iPhones. Many customers have complained that the Windows version of the iCloud app displays damaged video files. Furthermore, people discover images and films in their collections that do not even belong to them.

Serious problems are being reported by certain iCloud customers, including damaged movies that now include still photos taken by unidentified persons. One user reported that films taken on an iPhone 14 Pro Max include “black videos with scan lines” and, more concerningly, “inserting stills into videos from unknown sources, maybe others’ iCloud accounts.” According to reports, “other people’s families, soccer matches, and other miscellaneous photographs” are depicted in these stills.

The iCloud for Windows program is overrun with pictures and videos of random people. While that problem still exists, the Windows iCloud app is experiencing a weird problem. Some customers have expressed frustration over finding images and videos in their iCloud for Windows collection that they do not even recall taking; as a result, they believe that the images and videos belong to someone else, but they are unsure of who.

Users claim to have seen random families and kids in pictures and videos. The issue appears to only be present when HDR and HEVC recording is turned on, as well as while using the most recent iCloud for Windows version that was obtained from the Microsoft store.

Since I originally posted, several people have complained about the same problem, which appears to also affect movies made with an iPhone 13 Pro. In addition, the original poster asserts that “the Apple security team” was notified of the issue and advised it was not a security risk.

Apple has not yet released any statements on this problem. And the cause of this is still a mystery. Apple may be aware of the problem, though, as consumers have reported it to the firm.

Reinstalling the iCloud app, according to the forum members, did not really help either. According to reports, users on both Windows 10 and Windows 11 are experiencing this problem, which appears to be affecting the old included iCloud for the Windows app but not the new one.


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