Baidu Launches ChatGPT Rival Ernie

China’s Baidu Announces ChatGPT Rival Ernie

The CEO of Baidu, Robin Li, gave a presentation on Ernie that lasted almost an hour, yet it only provided a brief introduction to the chatbot.

Observers of the industry both inside and outside China pointed out that rather than showcasing Ernie through a live demo, Baidu opted for a lengthy presentation with pre-recorded versions of Ernie’s responses.

This was criticized by the observers. As a direct result of Li’s presentation, the price of the company’s shares in Hong Kong fell by 10%.

Writing: The user posed the question to Ernie regarding the best way to write a sequel to the well-known science fiction novel “The Three-Body Problem.”

Writing for business: The user contacted Ernie and requested name suggestions for a large-language model company that assists medium- and small-sized businesses in digitizing their operations.

Ernie was given the task of figuring out the solution to the well-known “chickens and rabbits” mathematical conundrum.

Baidu Launches ChatGPT Rival Ernie

The user asked Ernie to explain a classic Chinese idiom and then compose a poem based on the phrase. The poetry was to be written in Chinese.

Ernie was given a question like “Which city is most suited for implementing smart transport?” and then asked to perform “multi-modal” tasks based on the initial prompt. For example, he was asked to read the answer out loud in a Chinese dialect and generate an image based on the text.

This is an example of multi-modal generation.
It is clear that Baidu attempted to illustrate what Ernie was capable of accomplishing. Even though the questions were answered adequately, the investors were not overly enthusiastic. Let’s wait and watch what Baidu has planned to do in order to improve its chatbot.

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