Chrome Update Improves Custom Tab Control

A new version of Google Chrome for Android has just been released. With the latest version of Google Chrome, users now have more leeway when creating new tabs.


As an added bonus, it improves the speed and efficiency of exploring the app itself. In-app browsing on its mobile OS will also be simplified with the update’s addition of password auto-fill.


Chrome Update Improves Custom Tab Control


Developers now have more say over the tab’s initial launch height thanks to partial custom tabs. When a user clicks on a link to an article, for instance, they can have the tab open on half of the screen. Users can now perform multiple actions within the program itself, including browsing the web.


For the time being, Google’s blog post claims, only a select number of in-app browsers, including Chrome, support partial custom tabs. While this is unfortunate, Google has stated that support for the most popular browsers is in the future.


Chrome’s custom tabs have been praised by Google as a superior alternative to WebView due to their increased capabilities.


In an official blog post, Google stated,


Just starting a browser from your Android app to add a web experience causes users to leave your app, increasing the likelihood that they may abandon the session.


While WebViews do make it possible to create your own in-app browser, doing so can be a time-consuming and laborious process with a significant maintenance expense.


The search engine giant is also releasing a feature that will allow users to enter in their passwords and other personal details like addresses without leaving the app. This comes in helpful when logging into an app through the app’s built-in browser.

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