
Google announces Health Connect beta app on Play Store

Google announces Health Connect beta app on Play Store


Google has announced that it’s Health Connect app is available to download as a public beta via the Play Store. Also, more than 10 health and fitness apps have launched integrations with Health Connect, including Fitbit, Samsung Health, Google Fit, MyFitnessPal, Oura, Peloton, and more.

You can transfer data between your health, fitness, and wellness applications easily and privately with the help of the Android app.

“In beta testing is Health Connect. We are eager to share the product with you and are putting up a lot of effort to keep adding partner applications and making new advancements,” said Google.

With user permission, Google described the app as a platform that “securely distributes health and fitness data across Android devices.”

The purpose of Health Connect is to provide centralized access to health and fitness data from various eligible apps, Google said in a blog post.

“With Health Connect, building an integration with a new app is as simple as reading in new data from Health Connect, rather than building a whole new integration,” it added.

The app syncs health and fitness data from qualifying platforms enables other apps to access this data with the user’s permission and gives users access to centralized privacy controls.

Google said that Health Connect offers a standardized data format that covers more than 40 data types across six categories. The application provides a wide range of use cases, including tracking sleep, exercising, and monitoring vital signs.

In the past, managing data permissions required users to navigate between numerous applications, and developers had to create their own rights management user interfaces. Since Health Connect offers comprehensive controls to view which applications are currently accessing data, users can quickly manage permissions in a single location.

How Does It Work?

The purpose of the Health Connect app is to allow communication across health and fitness applications so that users may receive more in-depth health information. Instead of creating an entirely new integration, Health Connect makes it simple to integrate a new app by just reading in new data.

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Nimra Mobeen

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