Negative Aspects of Online Gaming

Knowing the Risks and Educating Parents

The most recent Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games are becoming increasingly popular, enhancing the negative aspects of online gaming. However, this has created hazards for children who may face online abuse or harassment from other gamers, especially when they are heavily immersed in playing online games.

Following COVID, the world’s population has moved from the physical to the digital sphere, where people now choose online shopping, e-learning, and online gaming over outdoor activities. Due to the extensive social connection via video, speech, text, etc.

How negative aspects of online gaming affect the children

Online gaming is becoming more popular among children; thus, parents must be aware of the risks in order to properly manage the situation. Numerous incidences of adolescent suicides and violent killings by internet gamers have been reported in Pakistan’s media.

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As determined by many researchers, excessive online game playing is a contributing factor to the problem of violence and antisocial behavior. According to Mr. Arthur Cassidy, an associate member of the British Psychological Society, youngsters who get more attached to gaming devices are more likely to commit suicide or damage themselves.

Numerous additional studies have shown that youngsters who play online games excessively miss out on physical activity and as a result have issues like loneliness, introversion, misbehavior around family members, sleeping difficulties, anxiety, sadness, etc.

Parental neglect is a major cause of addiction to online gaming. Playing internet games provides rapid solace for lonely children. It transports people from reality to fantastical and fictitious realms where everything seems to be controlled by their imagination and ideas.

They get irritated, which triggers aggression, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. Additionally, when playing online games with online predators, the likelihood of being blackmailed, harassed by others (both offline and online), and having personal information stolen rises.

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Measures To Be Taken:

Certainly! Here are some measures to be taken when addressing the dark side of online gaming and empowering parents:


Remember, it’s important to tailor these measures to your family’s specific needs and circumstances. Every child is different, so adapt these strategies to ensure they are effective in promoting a safe and positive gaming environment through which negative aspects of online gaming can be rectified.

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