
Mobily Postpaid 200 Package

Price(Include Tax)
SAR. 200

1 Month


100 GBs

Mobily to Mobily Minutes

Mobily to Other Network Minutes

Status code

Info Code

Subscribe Code
Text 7612 to 1100

Unsubscrib Code
Post-Paid Package auto renew every month.

Package Details

Mobily is providing its customers a best and cheapest Internet Packages all the time.

“Mobily Internet” is providing the best and cheapest Postpaid 100” Internet (for all Post Paid customers) Package for 1 Month . By using this package, you wil get validity for 1 Month “Postpaid 200” Internet Package . By using Mobily “Postpaid 100” Internet Package you will get total SMS: 100, Total Internet: 50 GBs, Total On Net minutes: 2500, Total Off Net minutes: 0 in total price of SAR. 100 (Include tax).

Package Status Codes

Subscribe Code: Text 7612 to 1100
UnSubscribe Code: Post-Paid Package auto renew every month.
Info Code: None
Status Code: None

Terms & Conditions

This package is applicable for all Mobily Post Paid customers.
All prices are Include of taxes.
Subscrib Package Via : Text 7612 to 1100
Unsubscrib Package Via : Post-Paid Package auto renew every month.
Get Package status Via : None
Get Package details Via : None
This package will be aplicable for 1 Month only. When you subscribe the time will start till 1 Month
All other Mobily Terms and conditions will apply

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Furqan Yasin

Furqan is an Web Developer, Entrepreneur Computer enthusiast, Gamer, YouTuber. He is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. He is passionate about PC and its components, and is always looking for more. He hopes to change and revolutionize the process of online reviews.

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