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Tesla Lithium Ion Cell For Sale Best For Solar System 6kw


Tesla Lithium Ion Cell For Sale Best For Solar System 48V Solar System 24V And Solar System 12V Tesla Lithium Ion Cell For Sale Best For Solar System 6kw 8kw 48V Battery System.


  • Single Tesla Cell Specification
  • 16.2V Fully Charger
  • 32 Amp
  • 500 Watt


  • 3 Tesla Cells 48V Battery Specification
  • 48V
  • 32 Amp
  • 1500 Watt
  • 1.5KWH Backup 500-watt Load it gave 3.5 Hours Plus Backup


  • 6 Tesla Cells Specification
  • 48V Battery
  • 48V 64Amp
  • 3000 Watt
  • 3KWH Backup 500-watt Load gave 6.5 Hours Plus Backup


  • 12 Tesla Cells Specification
  • 48V Battery
  • 48V 384Amp
  • 6000 Watt 6KWH Backup 500-watt Load it gave 12.5 Hours Plus Backup

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