
These Android Apps Can Take Over Your Phone

The McAfee Mobile Research Team uncovered malware in Android apps, according to the most recent reports. According to reports, these apps were installed directly from the Google Play Store. The majority of Xamalicious-infected apps are in the game, health, horoscope, and productivity categories. However, even before McAfee made their identities public, Google was wise enough to remove these Android Apps. These Xamalicious malware-infected apps have been installed over 10,000 times.

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According to reports, these apps exploit “social engineering” to get access capabilities. Furthermore, they enable the user’s device to communicate with a command-and-control server without the user’s knowledge. The phone is then downloaded with a second payload. By doing so, it “takes full control of the device and potentially performs deceitful actions such as clicking on ads, installing apps among other actions financially motivated without user consent.”

These Android Apps Can Take Over Your Phone

It’s worth noting that the infected apps are no longer available on the Google Play Store. If you have already installed the apps, you must delete them immediately. The following are the 13 apps that have been deleted from the Google Play Store:

  • Essential Horoscope for Android – 100,000 downloads
  • 3D Skin Editor for PE Minecraft – 100,000 downloads
  • Logo Maker Pro – 100,000 downloads
  • Auto Click Repeater – 10,000 downloads
  • Count Easy Calorie Calculator – 10,000 downloads
  • Sound Volume Extender – 5,000 downloads
  • LetterLink – 1,000 downloads
  • Step Keeper: Easy Pedometer – 500 downloads
  • Track Your Sleep – 500 downloads
  • Sound Volume Booster – 100 downloads
  • Astrological Navigator: Daily Horoscope & Tarot – 100 downloads
  • Universal Calculator – 100 downloads

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If you want to keep your phones safe from malware, you can all do yourself a favor. Simply look through your apps and make sure none of these names are installed on your Android phone. If your phone gets heated at inopportune moments and its battery drains too quickly, it’s a dead giveaway that it’s infected with malware.

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Adeel Amir

Adeel is an Entrepreneur, SEO and SMM Specialist and an Affiliate Marketer. He also loves to blog about gadgets, technology, smartphones etc.

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